Terms and Conditions

We, Toyota Tanzania LTD (“TTL”) operate this website and the conduct of visitors to the website is governed by these terms.
Agreement by you
When you browse the website, please familiarize yourself with the terms that apply to its use.

Before using any of the interactive features on the website and interacting or sharing any information with us please read these terms and the information about “Privacy” and “Cookies”. If you use the features and share information with us, you agree to these terms and terms describing how we process personal and other information provided by you.

We may make changes to our terms and will display these when the terms become effective. If you use the features and share information with us after the changes become effective, you will be agreeing to be bound by the changed terms.

If you disagree with our terms, please leave the website.

Toyota Tanzania’s responsibilities
We provide information about TTL’s products supplied by TTL or its associates, and TTL’s services.

We strive to ensure the information is accurate but cannot guarantee this. If you wish to use information provided on our website, you should verify the accuracy of the information with the persons or entities that you may communicate with to provide TTL products or services to you.

We are not responsible if you rely on information published on our website that you fail to verify.

We provide the website “as is” and intend that it is accessible 24 hours every day. If the website is not accessible for any reason, including routine maintenance, or a decision made by TTL (for instance to update or replace features on the website), we are not responsible to you if you rely on the website being accessible.

Enquiries about the website or the products and services displayed on the website are facilitated at info@toyota.co.tz

Your responsibilities
We consent to your use of the website subject to your respecting these terms and other visitors to the website using the features provided.

If you are under the age of 18 years you may browse the website but please do not communicate with us or provide us with any personal information.

You are not obliged to share information with us, but should you share information you are responsible for ensuring that you are lawfully entitled to do so.

If you share any personal information with us, you must do so lawfully and, if sharing of the information requires a third party’s consent, you are responsible for obtaining their consent.

In using the website, we expect you to:

  • comply with the law
  • not disrupt the operation of the website or features
  • not disrupt the use of the website by other visitors
  • not use any technologies in conjunction with the website without TTLs prior written consent
  • not willfully communicate inaccurate, defamatory or abusive information
  • not copy parts of this website or information published on the website and publish the
  • copied information, unless it is for your personal use, alternatively you have the prior written consent of TTL to do so

If you fail to comply with these terms, we may withdraw our consent to your using the website and take appropriate steps to prevent your future use. If your conduct constitutes a criminal offence we may, to protect our and any other visitors’ rights, be obliged to report your conduct to the relevant authorities.

Limits to our liability and indemnity
We provide the website with reasonable care and skill and in a professional manner.

Other than what is contained in these terms we make no representations and provide no guarantees to you. All other guarantees that may be implied by law or otherwise are excluded, unless applicable law prevents their exclusion.

By using the website you agree that you have accepted that our liability to you is limited and you will have no claim against us for any loss you may suffer as a result of using the website.

You indemnify (or promise to protect) us against any claim, made by you or a third party, related to your access to or use of this website and agree to pay any legal fees on the scale as between attorney and client should it be necessary for us to defend the claim.

Governing Law
These terms are governed by the law of the United Republic of Tanzania.
  • If you are unhappy with the content displayed on the website or our operation of the website, please communicate your complaint to customerservice@toyotatz.com
  • If your complaint relates to the processing of your personal information, please communicate your complaint to customerservice@toyotatz.com
  • We will take reasonable steps to resolve your complaint within a reasonable time.
Exclusion of Third-Party Rights
These terms of use are for the benefit of you and us and are not intended to benefit any third party or be enforceable by any third party. The exercise of our and your rights in relation to these terms of use are not subject to the consent of any third party.
Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions, together with our “Privacy Policy” and” Cookies” constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our website and supersede all previous agreements in respect of your use of our website.


Toyota Tanzania Ltd.